How to make the perfect Bakewell tart (by Rebecca)

Created by Liz 5 months ago
How to make the perfect Bakewell tart
Six ounces of plain flour. Butter, water, too.
Squish through tiny fingers, with warm hands guiding you.
Roll flat then sprinkle freely with these ingredients three: 
A nursery rhyme, a bobble hat, a plaster for your knee. 
Mix the dry ingredients, add jam as you desire, 
A telling off, a welcome hug, a back scratch by the fire.
Beat the egg, add almonds, bittersweet upon your tongue. 
Bake for 30 minutes - or until your time is done. 
Now comes the most important part: brew up a pot of tea,
Enjoy with friends and family, wherever you may be.
A picnic at the races, a rainy Bolton day
A sandy beach in Scotland basking in a sunset bay.
After school at teatime, or in a foreign land,
Her feet beneath a sleeping dog, your hand gripped in her hand. 
The Tupperware sits empty now. We savoured every crumb. 
But in shaky hand on faded card, her recipe lives on.